Turn Free WiFi Hotspots into Powerful Marketing
Your WiFi is a gold mine of data and opportunity. Start using it!

Free Hotspot
Offer a Free Open WiFi Network

Customers connect using a social media account

Grow customer lists and social media

Auto Pilot
Customers enjoy free WiFi and special offers
Social WiFi Logins
Consumers login with their social media accounts that automatically gathers all the customers' information including email address. Options to also have consumers sign-in with email or phone number

Grow Customer Lists
The social powered WiFi will automatically gather customers' information and demographics. Businesses will know more about the customers than they ever could have imagined
Custom Splash Pages
Easily customize splash pages to match businesses brand and feel. Add their logo, background images and choose types of login options

Auto-Pilot Email Marketing
Businesses will be able to setup auto-pilot email campaigns that target their customers. You also have the ability to send mass offers and messages to your customers
Offers & Social Widgets
Once a customer logs into the business’s Free Social Powered WiFi, they will be directed to a customizable page that can display social widgets and/or deals for your business

Customer Reviews & Feedback
Once a customer logs into the business’s Free Social Powered WiFi, they will be directed to a customizable page that can request customer feedback and reviews